Football pitches

We use our best efforts to ensure that the football pitches built by InterHall Sp. z o.o. always represent the highest quality. This is why, whenever there is an opportunity, we verify the quality of the installation by applying for a FIFA recommendation. As a result, we currently hold 11 FIFA 2 Star certificates.

Every installation is subject to the same regulations. Each pitch is built to meet the requirements set by the investor and the players who use it. We provide comprehensive investment performance, from the execution of ground works and foundations, through the installation of the surface, fencing and lighting of the football pitch.

In our offer you will find surfaces for investors with a limited budget, as well as products which can be used to host official league and international matches.

Football pitches by InterHall Sp. z o.o.

  • FIFA Recommendations
  • 11 FIFA 2 Star certificates
  • Necessary attests
  • Highest quality
  • Qualified installation crew

All our football surfaces are manufactured in Europe and have the necessary attests (incl. PZH) and laboratory test results (tests for conformity with the FIFA Quality Concept for Football Turf for the FIFA 1 or 2 STAR standard).

Our company will meet all your expectations. We provide professional consulting in terms of analyzing the development plan concepts and pre-design works, and our experience allows us to carry out construction of the facility quickly and efficiently.

Surface installation is carried out by a highly qualified installation crew with several years of experience. We use professional Sandmatic B 1505RC equipment by the German company SMG for filling the surface with sand and rubber granulate.